Sunday, January 25, 2009

At least one person was listening..

This was our conversation on Wednesday

Max: You were on the stage!
Me: What the??
Max: At church you were up on the stage!
Me: Yes, that's right! I gave a talk at church and went up on the stage. Do you know what I talked about?
Max: Ghosts!

He's right! My talk was on the Holy Ghost. I bet if I asked Abby or Zac they would not even know that.

Way to go, Max!


LBBlum said...

So sweet! Max just seems like such a sweetie... I remember you saying Zac like that too.

Amanda said...

wow, way to go Max! Wait, did you have to give a talk on a Sunday while Nick was out of town and Max had pneumonia???

Emily said...

NO, it was the week before. We played hookey with Nick out of town and Max sick. If you look, this entry was posted when I was supposed to be in Relief Society. Ha!