Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Anjeny sent me some interview questions of deep dark secrets people want to know about me... well, not really. But she did send me a few questions. Here are the answers everyone wants to know:

1. This one is very simple...how long have you been married? 15 years! We met out at BYU dance. He asked me to dance. I thought "I hope he doesn't ask for my phone number" and then he didn't. Which made me mad. If you ask him what he remembers about that night he will tell you the refreshments they had: Hot Nachos. I know what you are thinking: What a romantic story!

2. If you and your husband were to suddenly able to go on a trip all by yourselves, where would you go and why? We have taken several trips by ourselves- last was a long weekend down to the Florida Keys. That was just about perfect- a lot of vacation relaxing for your travel buck. If we could pick one place to go right now it would probably be England/Scotland. We keep moving that trip to the back burner as it seems it should be easy to get to and do, but we haven't (yet)

3. What do you do to pamper yourself when you have an alone time/me moment? If you have any. Take a nap. What a rowdy wild woman I am.

4. If you win a million dollar, what would be the three top most things you would spend the money on? One- Pay off my credit cards and house. Two- Take a big family trip (everyone invited- siblings, cousins, etc) on a cruise around the world. Or Alaska. Three- Lasik eye surgery and a $500 haircut from Nick Arojo (the stylist from What Not to Wear)

5. I notice you have at least three blogs that you manage. With all the things you have to do as a mom/wife/daughter/sister/friend, how do you find time to get those blogs updated almost on a regular basis? I don't clean. Or cook. Or shower. and I neglect my kids. Now you know my time management secrets

6. What is the most embarrassing thing you can think to tell us about your sister, Swirl? I can't believe you'd ask me that! I don't think I should say. I know so many things.. Actually, I really can't think of anything. Except she has some funny stories. Like the time she and her friends were at a fast food restaurant and there was a sticky mousetrap under the table that got stuck to her friend's foot. And it had a mouse stuck on it. A live mouse. Probably the funniest thing was how she was such a nerd when she got home from her mission and she had a hard transition back to normal life. But I don't know any good embarrassing stories about her. She knows way more about me, I'm sure.

Now, here are the rules to pass it on:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by emailing you five questions, so make sure you
leave me your email address. (I get to pick the questions).
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others
in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


LBBlum said...

Hey that was fun! Embarrasing stories? First off- embarrasing to who? cuz I just think they are FUNNY!

But transisiton back to normal life- AWKWARD- like hiking the locks..{?} and I put on a skirt and you said, "You are NOT wearing a skirt to hike in!" and that is when I realized.. I am a real dork! {Mostly I couldn't fit into any of my old clothes...)

Anjeny said...

That was interesting answers. Next time, can you please ditch the sleep and go club hopping when you have an alone time? LOL

And I'm glad that I'm not the only ignoring my kids...LOL..blogging is such an addictive activity.

Glad to read that your sister is the same now as she was back then...I love that she's my "airhead" sister...ahahahah. Oh she's so going to kill me.

My girls always tell me that I don't deserve Laura since I'm sooo mean and she's sooo sweet...what do they know? is all I can say about that. LOL

Hmmm, ur wv says gasing...wonder what u're gasing up for..LOL.