Friday, January 2, 2009

Favorite books

I was told I wasn't following the rules for this boys bookclub round up thing AHEM! Sorry!

My son has always been a lukewarm reader. He reads, but stuff like Calvin and Hobbs or Garfield. He has to set a timer and read 20 minutes a day, but it seems he can never find the book he was reading from the day before so he always had partially finished books lying around and one is as good as another as far as he is concerned when he has to do his 20 minutes. Once the timer dings he is done and puts it down.

The FIRST BOOK that he has kept reading after the timer went off (and kept reading for a long time) was Harry Potter. The Sorcerer's Stone, and now the Chamber of Secrets.

Previously, his favorite book was My Side of the Mountain

ok, now go read my sister's blog already!

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