Monday, November 24, 2008

My Favorite Things

Can I tell you a few of my favorite things? You will discover it does not take much to make me happy.

PEAPOD (Giant grocery store delivery service) Such a timesaver!! You enter everything online and then early the next morning the grocery fairy delivers food to your doorstep. It costs maybe $8 for delivery, but there are generally coupons out there for $5 off or free shipping. If you don't find a coupon it is still worth it as anyone who has ever gone shopping with a preschooler knows you will spend far more than $8 by the time you buy things not on your list like Diego gogurt or boxes of cheezit crackers with Spongebob on the box.

FLYLADY ( I love her plan for getting your house in order and the fact she gave me permission to only do 15 minutes of housework a day. Doing any chore for 15 minutes is still cleaner than if you didn't do it at all. Actually, 15 minutes is usually too long for me so I have shortened it to 5 minutes. BABYSTEPS!

PIONEER WOMAN ( Her cooking site with step by step instructions and photos in particular is a favorite. Because I don't cook. And she almost makes me feel I can. In a flash of insanity I volunteered to bring pecan pie and make the turkey for Thanksgiving this year. Holy moly, what have I done? and this brings me to a new favorite I haven't even tried yet but I know will be a family tradition for years to come....

PIE NIGHT My brother's family will be visiting with us the day before Thanksgiving and we decided that we will hold our first annual pie night- you don't have to wade through the turkey to get to the good stuff. Everyone is bringing pies and that's it. It is my favorite part of the meal, anyway.

I can see a theme here, actually... in preparation for Thanksgiving I'm going to be doing a little bit of all of the above this week. Wish me luck!


LBBlum said...

I'm a fly baby too! Thanks for introducing me... my baby steps are:
make my bed every morning
get dressed
keep dishes/sink cleaned
after I use a bathroom-do a quick swipe/clean up before I leave it...
and goto bed on time.


Love the idea of Pie night... Maybe we'll just do that Thanksgiving day! (since I don't have family around to help with the meal... buying thanksgiving dinner in a box from the grocery store is our tradition.)

Love you.
I want more pictures of Zoe... so chubby soo cute!
{waroff} is the war off? sorry to reveal your wart heel story.. just seemed to fit my theme for the day.

LBBlum said...

okay not really sorry... but sorry if it is embarrasing for you.