Sunday, November 2, 2008

Get used to disappointment

Here's the part where you come to check out my adorable kids in their adorable costumes for trick-or-treating. Too bad for you. I don't have any. They were in their costumes and then running down the street before I could snap any shots. My 3yo wore his costume for an entire month straight, so I do have some photos of him we can pretend I took last night. If you don't notice he is standing in the pumpkin patch. Pay no attention to the pumpkin behind the curtain.

HOWEVER, I'll be posting costume photos of my 10yo at least, in a day or so. He starts planning his next year's costume the day after Halloween. He sewed his costume himself, this year- he was Link from the video game Legend of Zelda and it turned out awesome. My 12yo threw on a bunch of black clothes at the last second and called herself a witch. I heard her tell one lady 'Halloween just snuck up on me this year' when she was trick or treating.

The older 2 went out for a marathon march and got over 5lbs of candy each. We now have a rule that every time I have to step over their candy bags (lying in the middle of the floor or by my computer chair) I get a free handful as a penalty. Cha-ching! Hello, mini snickers!

My younger one really took to this trick or treating thing. He asked tonight to go trick or treating again. Wouldn't that surprise a few folks? We like to keep our neighbors on their toes.

Anyway, here's a shout out to the two people who read my blog- my sister and my mom. Hi, there! More photos coming soon!


LBBlum said...

Hey Em- thanks for the shout out!
really funny
come over and visit- blogged about waxing my eyebrows today- getting ready for the photo shoot-
glamorous things happen over on my blog.
love ya

Stepi said...

Hey!! I am checking out your blog this minute! I may be missing photos of my kids on Halloween too. I took a couple of pics before they left for T or T but I think my camera card is bad so they might be gone. Oh, well.

Will you still post on Wildmountain? Please, Please do. We will miss you if you don't. I dont think I can handle the pressure of a blog of my own!