Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh the Thinks you can Think

Although I spend my days telling stories of "Buzz Lightyear and the Beanstalk", changing diapers, wiping noses, pouring juices and watching cartoons, there is a good percentage of the day when I am stuck solid on the couch or bed nursing my 3 month old. I try to remember to have the phone nearby, or a book in hand. If I don't, I've got a good 30 minutes to just sit and think- and think- and think- and these are some of the things I've thought lately.

several million dollar ideas (for my sister) including a sandwriting project, and a power ranger delivery service

the new craze- an anti vampire logo (yet to be seen if anyone bites- ha ha!) but feel free to grab the logo from my sidebar if you'd like to spread the anti-cullen love

daydreaming about my weeklong cruise to Alaska's inner passage (next year is a BIG BIRTHDAY for me) and ways to convince my husband to let me actually book it

the wilberg family etsy site and what we might be able to list there

knee socks and over the knee socks and craft projects involving them and where can I get some and will people actually buy them?

how much I hate the multitude of unfinished projects and clutter that are in my line of sight.. including a hole in my ceiling that has been there since MAY

If I do remember to grab the phone before we settle down for nursing, you've probably heard about these ideas first hand. Am I my dad's daughter or what? He always has a lot of ideas and projects simmering also. And that ain't bad

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