Monday, November 24, 2008

Put your money where your mouth is

If you don't like cooking and happen to burn almost every batch of cookies you make DON'T say it is because your oven doesn't work right. Someone might just buy you a new oven and then you will have to find out the sad truth of the matter.

I'm just a lazy bad cook!

But it IS nice to have 4 burners that work! My last stove only had one working burner (which didn't bother me too much to tell you the truth because you don't use a lot of pans when cooking on only one burner- less to wash!)

Fingers crossed this pecan pie turns out ok! And I have high hopes for the turkey tomorrow.

1 comment:

LBBlum said...

A new oven- eh? I know- I'm the same way.. everything gets burned because I am not willing to watch it cook. (Our timer is sooo soft/quiet it doesn't get my attention- even if I am in the kitchen... and it just beeps twice... then keeps on baking and burning....

good luck.
we are suppose to be driving to mililani tomorrow to have thanksgiving with a hockey family.. I am bringing 15 lbs of mashed potatoes and gravy... hopefully we'll be over this bug.. but guess who came home early from work.. throwing up...
what a mess of yuck!

But this is in the true spirit of Thanksgiving. The pilgrims spent months on the sea throwing up to get here. {watched it on the history channel last night at 3:00 am.)